
Anime Cons, Hetalia, Sex OxO

Well then.

I forgot I had a blogging page. I was updating information on deviantART and saw that under the website section, the link to my blogging page was there. So I was like, "Oh. Blog. Well shit... I forgot about that." and decided to update it!

Not like anyone reads this, though...


So. AnimeNorth is coming up next month, but I'm going because I don't want to go to a convention for just one day [Only single-day passes are available now] especially for my first con. I want to make it worthwhile. Also, my friend whom I once fell in love with and my ex-fiance are going there. For the entire weekend...

So I sadly had to turn my friend, Sidney, down on her offer for me to come with her.

However, ConBravo is coming up in July and FanExpo in August.

I'll be going to ConBravo :)  "If I cooperate", my mother says. She means for me to stop being so moody all the time -Hey, I can't help it.- and to be some crazy-ass motherfucker who works all day at home instead of getting a break, like a teenager should. I'm always running around. What more does she want?

Carrying on, for my first convention, I won't be cosplaying. Unless I go as Daniel from Amnesia: The Dark Descent. I came up with my own cosplay for that... As in, I found multiple clothing items and put it all together. :)

I'm gonna need a shit load of money for that, too [a-con].

Oh! Lol, one of my best friends, Ilana, went to her first convention today and when she came back, I was in a slightly bad mood because of stuff my mother was telling me. -What else is new?- And she commented on a status of mine and said "Maybe you'll cheer up when I tell you what I bought you from the convention ;)"

I panicked. What on earth could my friend have boughten me from an anime convention? So I waited... And then... instant happiness. I could've died. I almost squealed! I had to supress from screaming and going completely insane all in one moment.

She bought me a Gilbird plushie! And a Germany keychain!!! Why so exciting? Because I fucking love Hetalia. Its my absolute favourite anime~!! And she knows that! And she spent, like.... $25 to buy just those two things. She knows how obsessed I am with Prussia, too.. So she tried to find a Prussia plushie, but they apparently sold out or something.

So hopefully when I go to my first con, I'll find Prussia-related things. And something for her, too!

Now. What else...

Oh! As you know -Well, maybe...- the National Hetalia Day is in October on the 24th. Some people prefer October 22nd, or even the 23rd, but the official day is October 24th. Soooo....

I am hosting a Hetalia Day meet-up / get-together for cosplaying at Gage Park here in Hamilton. I haven't planned the time yet... I have five and a half months to do that! Since it'll probably be pretty cool out that day, it shouldn't be a problem doing it at noon. Like, from around twelve o'clock to maybe.... three o'clock. :)

1) Best Cosplay Contest
2) Hetalia Couples Photoshoot
3) General Cosplaying
4) Dancing
5) Food & Drink

So. Um... I want to have prizes for the contest thing, but... Well, I'll have to think of something later. xD

So, yeah! If you want to come to it, contact me. I prefer you send me a note on deviantART. My username's ZackFairRules. Or, you can email me at luminescentdanger@gmail.com.

I'd love to have you all there! Anyone can come. My only request is that you are at least over thirteen or fourteen years old. I don't want immature people running around. Also, no harrassing each other, no fighting and do not destroy anything within the park. Its a beautiful place...

Off of that now.

Sex. Uh..... I really don't care for it -Am I the only guy who doesn't? Probably.- but.. my friend, whose also named Matt, who I actually don't know too much about but he's nice and quite cute... he wants me to come to a fucking forest with him so he can fuck me. I told him no. Let's hope he doesn't corner me if I show up at school and drag me out the do- fuck! Let's hope he doesn't find out where I'm doing my co-op placement! Because he wants to do it after co-op, and.... Oh shit. Yeah. He's like.... over six feet tall, by the way. So it'd be difficult to push him off of me. Either way, I'm not going to a damn forest with him.


I'd like to keep my virginity, thanks. I mean, I'm hardly sixteen, don't push it. -_- And lol, he's like... nineteen.

I love people over eighteen. ;)

So yeah.

Just remember, guys, about that event I'm hosting for Hetalia Day in October :D


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